haycock Historical Society
Haycock Historical Society
Third Thursday meetings at: Haycock Community Center, Old Bethlehem and Sawmill Roads, Applebachsville.
haycock Historical Society
Third Thursday meetings at: Haycock Community Center, Old Bethlehem and Sawmill Roads, Applebachsville.
March 20, 2025: 7 p.m. “The Haycock Historical Society Environmental Enrichment Program.” Presentation by Marla Burke. After completing the book “Haycock Township - Through Nature's Lens,” the Haycock Historical Society decided to create an “Environmental Enrichment Committee” and direct the proceeds from the book to help enhance our local environment. Marla Burke, the author of the book, will explain some of the things that have already been accomplished by the committee, along with other ideas for the future.
April 17, 2025: 7 p.m. “Outlaws in the Underworld-The Doan Gang in Bucks County- Loyalists, traitors, murderers, and thieves."Presentation by Clint Flack, Exhibit Specialist at the Mercer Museum.
Did the notorious Doan Gang really hide out in Bucks County caves while they were on the run at the time of the American Revolution?
Join Mercer Museum researchers at this exclusive presentation and hear the untold stories of the team’s explorations of Bucks County caves with the cast and crew of the Discovery Channel’s blockbuster hit Expedition Unknown.
This program unravels Doan myths and legends, and unveils the latest active findings on Doan Gang hideouts, secret caves, and the unique geological and historical landscapes of Bucks County.
May 15, 2025: 7 p.m. TBA
Our new book, Haycock Township Through Nature's Lens, will be available at the the following locations:
Haycock Township Building.
640 Harrisburg School Road.
Quakertown, PA 18951
Monday thru Thursday 9 to 2
Bucks County Seafood
164 North Main Street
Dublin PA 18917
Closed Monday
Tuesday thru Friday 9 to 6
Saturday and Sunday 9 to 5
Proceeds from the sale of this book will fund the HHS Environmental Enrichment committee. The purpose of this committee is to help with bird habitat, wildflower management and encourage good stewardship of environmental resources.
Join Marla for a preview and introduction to her new book at the Haycock Community Center
Haycock Township Through Nature's Lens
by Marla Burke - The new HHS book, illustrating the beauty of Haycock.
Around February 2024, I was reading about a dam that was being breached because of torrential rains. The picture of the dam looked very much like the dam that holds back the waters of Lake Nockamixon. My mind started wondering, what will happen if the Nockamixon dam is breached? I began wondering how long do dams last? While speaking with some construction minded people, I was given an answer of about 100 years. It appears the concrete used in this type of dam begins to deteriorate. Our dam is 50 years old. Is it at half its life? After the next 50 years, what will Haycock Township look like? Will the Tohickon Creek be back, and Lake Nockamixon gone?
With that in mind, as an amateur historian, it seemed a good idea to document what we have now because what we have now is a very beautiful, tranquil setting. Our little piece of Bucks County is a gem, and the 1450-acre lake is a big part of it. Nature, our streams, woodlands, wildlife and the rocky landscape is all part of what exists now.
To document the feeling and spirit of Haycock, we turned to Marla Burke and her camera. This book is the result of many hours of Marla and her camera along with her comments about each picture. Seventy-one pictures show the wonders of Haycock. Seventy-one pictures bring the songs of the birds, the winter snows, the rushing streams, the beauty of Haycock to your fingertips. That is how we captured what we have now. Hopefully future historians will use this book to understand what we had.
Our new book, Haycock Township Through Nature's Lens, will be available at the 21st opening of the Kringle Shoppe, priced at $35.00.
Proceeds from the sale of this book will fund the HHS Environmental Enrichment committee. The purpose of this committee is to help with bird habitat, wildflower management and encourage good stewardship of environmental resources.
-Pat DeWald
Join Kathleen Zingaro Clark, author of three well-received Images of America books about Bucks County history at the Haycock Community Center on November 21, 2024. Kathleen will present on her book Bucks County Inns and Taverns. She will share dozens of vintage photos while highlighting some of the most historic colonial gathering spots that still exist between Bristol and Springtown today.
Third Thursday meetings are held at the Haycock Community Center, formerly the Haycock Elementary School, at Old Bethlehem Road and Sawmill Road, in Applebachsville. The meeting room is Community Room West.
From Colonial times to the present, the warmth and ambiance of Bucks County's inns and taverns have ceaselessly beckoned those seeking refreshment or rest from the rigors of the road. Whether welcomed by the glow of a crackling fire or the sounds of lively conversation, guests were sure to find sustenance, shelter, companionship, and camaraderie within their walls. Besides providing lodging, these celebrated "publick houses" have long played an important role in the development of this richly historical region as meeting places, stagecoach stops, news centers, entertainment venues, polling stations, and auction houses. Bucks County Inns and Taverns documents how these establishments were once the focal point of rural and town life and how many continue today as landmarks, inspiring a sense of pride in Bucks County residents.
To our Members,
We’ve rescheduled our member picnic for Tuesday, 7/2 from 4-7 due to severe weather concerns on Sunday.
Come Celebrate 150 Years
of Sheard's Mill Covered Bridge!
Saturday, September 23, 2023 1:00 P.M. - 4:00 P.M.
State Representative Craig Staats - Citation Presentation
Bridge Art Show & Sale, Haycock Historical Society
Bucks County Covered Bridge Society - Scott Bomboy
$400.00+ Value Gift Card Wreath Raffle - Local Stores
Free Cake and Organic Apple Cider from Solebury Orchards
Tohickon Cafe - Special
Steve Applegate with his display of pioneer guns, hides, and knives
Venison Stew
Bean and Venison Saugage Stew
Smoked Venison
Steve Applegate explaining the workings of the long gun.
Held on the grounds of the Stokes House in Towhee Park, Haycock Township
This book brings to life the people and places that once occupied the area now known as Nockamixon State Park. The properties (240) were taken by eminent domain to create the park. The book documents the Tohickon Valley before the park, the houses, farms, and way of life. The park was opened in 1973.
The authors Marjorie Goldthorp Fulp and Pamela Feist Varkony are the main authors, both lived in the area and had their homes condemned to make way for Nockamixon State Park.
This book is available at Sines 5 and 10, Quakertown PA, Haycock Township Municipal Building.
To order the book click on the link below for order form
$28.30 plus tax $1.70 A digital version is available from Amazon for $7.99
Additional contributions by Sascha Baringer, Stanley Beidler, Chris Lubaczewski Handschin, Richard Landgreen, Joseph Lindmeier, Stella Konopeus Morth, William Peischel, and Victor Stevens.
While attending the historical society's research committee meetings Pat DeWald began to hear stories about living in Haycock in the 1920's and30's. In the spring of 2007 she and Eddie Bauer began to collect these stories. By summer of 2007, the collection had grown to a considerable number of unique stories; stories of hardship,, endurance, war, arson, spying, and farming, spanning sixty years. To tie theses stories together, they decided to use the life history of Eddie Bauer's family. Eddie is a life long resident of Haycock Township and has been collection historical facts about the area for many years.
This book is available at Sines 5 and 10 in Quakertown, Haycock Municipal Building, and by order form below.
$28.30 plus sales tax $1.70 A digital version is available from Amazon for $6.99
HAYCOCK nestled in the heart of Upper Bucks, remains one of the county's bucolic municipalities. Formally organized in 1763, the township has a rich history. From its eponymous mountain to the banks of the Tohickon Creek, the landscape encompassed picturesque villages, hectic mills, industrious potteries, productive farms, and the heavily-traveled Bethlehem Road. A Brief History of Haycock traces two hundred years of people, places, and events in the township from the earliest settlers to the turn of the twenty-first century.
Authors Thomas Moll and Robert L. Light
This book is available at Sines 5 and 10 in Quakertown, Haycock Municapal Building and at the Richland Library in Quakertown, PA
The purpose of the Haycock Historical Society is to research and preserve the history of Haycock and to promote and perpetuate public interest and inform the public generally of the rich heritage of Haycock Township.